Divine Liturgy November 9

This past Saturday, the 9th of November, we celebrated the Divine Liturgy in English. The service was officiated by Fr. Constantine, with Fr. German concelebrating, assisted by Fr. Deacon Georgiy.

Fr. Constantine offered a sermon on what the Lord meant when he said “whoever has, to him more will be given; and whoever does not have, even what he seems to have will be taken from him,” on why the Lord did not meet his mother and brothers when they came to see him, and on the eventual discipleship of the Mother of God. To our great regret, we experienced a technical problem and lost part of the recording.

After the service, we gathered for a breakfast meal and conversation.

Our next service will be Divine Liturgy on Saturday, the 16th of November, at 9:30 AM, at St. Nicholas. Hope to see you there!

See our schedule of all English services in Moscow, and follow our channel for news and announcements!


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