Services in English

Our temple offers services in English. We often host foreign students, trainees from the Exarchate of Africa, and those interested in missionary work and the English language.

Each service is followed by breakfast and friendly conversation!

Follow us on Telegram for news and announcements.

If you’d like to sing in the choir, please contact Alexander at +7 916 140 4444.


English services are offered at several temples in Moscow. Here is the combined schedule of upcoming services:

Date Time Service Location
Sat., Dec. 7 9:30 Liturgy Temple of St. Nicholas of Myra
Sat., Dec. 14 9:30 Liturgy Temple of St. Nicholas of Myra
Sat., Dec. 21 9:30 Liturgy Temple of St. Nicholas of Myra


Новости || News

Divine Liturgy November 30

This past Saturday, the 30th of November, we celebrated the Divine Liturgy in English. The service was officiated by Fr. Constantine, with Fr. German concelebrating, assisted by Fr. Deacon Georgiy. Fr. Constantine offered a sermon on priorities in Christian life, and on the meaning of some of the questionable deeds Continue reading

Divine Liturgy November 23

This past Saturday, the 23rd of November, we celebrated the Divine Liturgy in English. The service was officiated by Fr. Constantine, with Fr. German concelebrating, assisted by Fr. Deacon Georgiy. On the occasion of the celebration of the Feast of Archangel Michael and all the Holy Angels earlier in the Continue reading

Divine Liturgy November 16

This past Saturday, the 16th of November, we celebrated the Divine Liturgy in English. The service was officiated by Fr. Constantine, with Fr. German concelebrating, assisted by Frs. Deacons Vladimir and Georgiy. Fr. Constantine offered a sermon on three topics from the Gospel reading: on exorcising demons, on depending on Continue reading

Divine Liturgy November 9

This past Saturday, the 9th of November, we celebrated the Divine Liturgy in English. The service was officiated by Fr. Constantine, with Fr. German concelebrating, assisted by Fr. Deacon Georgiy. Fr. Constantine offered a sermon on what the Lord meant when he said “whoever has, to him more will be Continue reading

Divine Liturgy October 26

This part Saturday, the 26th of October, we celebrated the Divine Liturgy in English. The service was officiated by Fr. Constantine, with Fr. German concelebrating, assisted by Fr. Deacon Georgiy. Answering some of the questions our parishioners and catechumens had about Liturgy, Fr. Constantine offered a sermon on current and Continue reading

Divine Liturgy October 19

Today, on Saturday, the 19th of October, we celebrated the Divine Liturgy in English. The service was officiated by Fr. Constantine, with Fr. German concelebrating, assisted by Fr. Deacon Georgiy. Fr. Constantine offered a sermon on the apostolic and monastic callings, and on the question of the possibility of salvation Continue reading

Divine Liturgy October 12

Today, on Saturday, the 12th of October, we celebrated the Divine Liturgy in English. The service was officiated by Fr. German, assisted by Fr. Deacon Vladimir. After the service, we gathered for a breakfast meal, where Alexei Pletnev, one of our parishioners, presented a song of his authorship. Our next Continue reading

Divine Liturgy September 28

Today, on Saturday, the 28th of September, we celebrated the Divine Liturgy in English. The service was officiated by Fr. Constantine, assisted by Frs. Deacons Vladimir and Georgiy. Fr. Constantine offered a sermon on the Cross and the ways towards God. After the service, we gathered for a breakfast meal. Continue reading


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